Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to Build a Ladder Website


Everything is easy when you know how it is done but to make a ladder website is an entirely different thing.  For one, knowledge of programming languages will be a big help.  Even if you do not know Perl/VB or are new to coding, you can get help online from those who do know the stuff.  There are also written scripts available for free on the internet.  Once you get hold of that you are well on your way to make a ladder website.

Things You'll Need:
  • Domain
  • Web host
  • Ladder content

Step 1:

Get to know the elements that are involved.  A ladder website can contain rudiments like blogs and forums, activities like previews and reviews, codes and scripts free or at a cost for users and also your facebook and twitter accounts. 

Step 2:

Think of a theme for the site.  The ladder website should have a main theme, say for example action games.  Make layouts related to the theme.  Save them as templates which you can use as you add on more pages.

Step 3:

Design the logo and banners.  Select relevant graphics and colors. 

Step 4:

Organize your rungs.  The gaming activities should be foremost as they will be the ones that get published the most, probably more than 5 times in a day.  Next will follow the social networks depending upon their frequency.  The blogs can follow next and lastly your newsletter which will be only once a week. 

Step 5:

Collect ladder scripts from well-known sites.  If they are offered free, check them well as they may have a lot of mistakes.  You can even take them apart and redo them according to your needs.  You can also make your own scripts if you know programming.  If that is going to take much of your time, pay the experts to make them especially for you. 

Step 6:

Get a hosting domain.  A simple Google search will bring up free and paid domain hosting sites for you.  For a ladder website, the most recommend one is that go for the paid ones as they will offer more options and flexibility. 

Step 7:

Select relevant keywords.  They are the success behind your site.  The right keywords will bring in new people everyday through search engines.  Once you put them in your site, try them out by inputting them in search engines and checking the results.  If your site does not come up in the first two pages, then try other keywords.  

Step 8:

Test out the site.  First, post a small content with the keyword in the first rung of your ladder to check its popularity with the readers.  Then check out the workings of the ladder to work out any faults in the scripts. 


Make sure the ladder is easy to understand and user friendly.  If it is confusing, your readers may not visit you again.  


1 comment:

  1. Here i got step by step information about this concept and i learn huge points, excellent for my knowledge.Website Hosting
